„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group of providers of digital solutions


Usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises, 2018
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, in 2018, 94.4% of the enterprises used computer in their work.
81.5% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had the fixed broadband connection to the Internet.
From the total number of the enterprises 53.9% had website/homepage. From them, 89.6% provided on their website descriptions of goods or services, price lists, 51.7% had links or references to their social media profiles, and 21% provided online ordering, reservation or booking.
Regarding e-commerce, 5.7% of the enterprises received e-sales orders via computer network, and 4.4% of the enterprises received orders for products or services via Web- sales.

⮞ Aleksandar Pajkovski, President, DUNA, Skopje

⮞ , FENIKS NOVA, Skopje

⮞ Igor Ilkovski, INFO-KOD, Skopje


⮞ Teodor Petrovski, REMA KOMPJUTERI, Skopje

Contact person: Daniela Mihajlovska Vasilevska
Project manager in the Professional Service

Phone: +389 (02) 3244021
Cell: 072 220 037
E-mail: daniela@mchamber.mk