„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk
The latest episode of the Business Club podcast by the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia featured Natasa Janevska, M....
The latest episode of the Business Club podcast with Branko Azeski features Natasa Janevska, M.A., Project Manager at the Eco...
A working meeting was held at the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia with representatives from the Faculty of Design a...
"The Economic Chamber is a forum where we express our views. There is no other platform where we, as businesspeopl...
Irregular VAT refunds, the need for amendments to the Law on Labor Relations, the preparation of CBAM reports to help c...
The results of the regional project Enhancements in the Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe (EQET...
The guest of Branko Azeski, President of the Economic Chamber, in the latest thirteenth edition of the Business Club po...
A meeting was held at the premises of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia with the Minister of Finance, Gordana Dim...