„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group of producers means for maintaining cleanliness in the household

   Group of manufacturers of household agents is established within the Chemical Industry Association with the aim to treat specific problems of the companies in this sector.  
         Members of the Group are economic entities from the following activities:
-         manufacture of soaps and detergents, cleansers and polishers
-         manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations.
 Members of this Group are 10 companies which cover 85% of the production of cosmetics in the Republic of Macedonia.
 President of the Group is Mr. Aco Andreski, owner and manager of “Androsfarm” – Ohrid.

⮞ aco Andrevski, President, ANDROS, Охрид

Contact person: Sasho Despotoski
Associate at the organizational unit for member representation and networking of the Professional Service

Telephone: + 389 2 3244089
E-mail: saso@mchamber.mk