„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Group of lifts

 Group for elevators is a professional form of organization and operation within the Metal-working and Electrical Engineering Industry Association, through which the members independently decide and accomplish their work in the field of production of elevators and spares thereof, repairing and servicing and maintaining of the elevators.

Around 17 legal entities are dealing with production of elevators and spares thereof, repairing and servicing and maintaining of the elevators, as well as other interested legal entities whose activity is connected to this field.
Association’s basic goals and tasks are related to discussion on issues regarding the upgrading of the operation and resolving of the current problem within the sector; commercial advertising; adjustment of opposite and different interests within the sector; adopting  of conclusions and proposing of measures of common interest;  examine proposals to laws and other provisions and raises initiatives for amendment of legal and sub-legal deeds; initiate and accomplish cooperation of common interest with the members of the other associations and international  cooperation; works on upgrading the business climate and spur the implementation of the European rules and standards, etc.
President of the Group is  Mr. Dimce Popovski from Servis DAKA – Bitola. 

⮞ Dimche Popovski,  President, SERVIS DAKA, Bitola

⮞ Zoran Maksimovski, SEZAL, Skopje/span>

Initiative for debate on surpassing the problems in implementation of the Rulebook for releasing on the market  elevators and elevators safety devices ( Official Gazette of RM No.23/07) and the Rulebook for elevators safe use and elevators technical inspection  (Official Gazette of RM No.23/07). 

Contact person: Biljana Peeva Gjurikj
Operations Director for Member Representation and Networking

Phone: + 389 2 3244034,
Cell: 072 236 710
E-mail: biljana@mchamber.mk