„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk
Undeniably, the need to promote the work process by expanding the application of modern information and communication technol...
Taxpayer - A legal entity resident in the country that generates profit from activities within the country and abroad. - A ...
Taxpayer - A person who permanently or occasionally independently engages in economic activity, regardless of the goals and ...
Property Tax Taxpayer - Legal and natural persons who are property owners. - Legal and natural persons who use...
Excisable Goods Excise duty Excise on Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages Excise on beer: 4.00 denars for each 1% volume of ...
Type of contribution Rates Contribution for pension and disability insurance: 18,8% Contribution for health insurance...
Law on Administrative Fees Law on Municipal Fees Law on Cash Payment Registration Law on Tax Procedure
The legal foundations of the customs system and policy, in the context of customs procedures in our country, are aligned with...