„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk
By Branko Azeski, President of the Economic Chamber As always, problems have arisen unexpectedly. For those un...
In the latest edition of the Business Club podcast by the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, guests of President Bran...
The following video provides an accurate and precise depiction of the current state of the motorway route and the deadlines f...
In the latest edition of the Business Club podcast, the discussion led by the President of the Economic Chamber, Branko...
The President of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, Branko Azeski, held a working meeting today with the Ambassad...
The Business Club for Cooperation with France and Francophone Countries at the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia elec...
The rising prices of apartments, particularly the increasing cost per square meter, remain a hot topic in public discus...
As part of their visit to North Macedonia, representatives from the Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS) and SWEDAC&md...