„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Association of Power Supply Industry

The Association is comprised of energy companies dealing with energy activities.

In accordance with the Rules of organization and method of operation, the Association of Energy aims to:

• Consider issues related to the promotion of work and addressing current issues in the field, an economic propaganda and organize fairs, exhibitions and business delegations are of particular interest to members of the Association;
• Improving your reconciles opposites and different interests within its activities, taking into account the interests of the economy as a whole;
• Adopted conclusions and proposes measures that are of common interest to the members, and not in conflict with legal regulations and good business practices;
• Review draft laws and other regulations, opinions and proposals on issues of common interest to the members and initiate the adoption and amendments thereof;
• Initiate and cooperates on issues of common interest to the members of other associations within the Chamber and international cooperation in accordance with program activities and general acts of the Chamber;
• Works to improve the business climate in the country, encouraging the implementation of European rules and standards and permanent functional education and the knowledge of experts from the activity;
• Promote the Chamber as mandatory, neutral place for consulting business in all matters of interest to the economy.

The Association of Energy held a meeting on February 13, 2015, and elected President was Risto Janevski, Refinery AD and the Deputy president was elected Igor Gievski of EVN Macedonia.
At the same session, as representatives in the assembly of the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, the Association elected:

1. Igor Gievski -EVN Macedonia AD Skopje

2. Risto Janevski - OKTA AD Skopje

3. Dimitar Kochovski - TE-TO AD Skopje

4. Mitko Krzhovski - EDS DOO

5. Toni Karanfolovski - Detoil DOO


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Contact person: Kristina Kuzeska
Manager at the organizational unit for member representation and networking of the Professional Service

Phone: + 389 2 3244019
E-mail: kristina@mchamber.mk