„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk




On 14.11.2018, the Association of Information and Communication Technologies at the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia held a session and discussed the proposed laws from the economic and financial area, which are of interest to the members from the IT sector.

The companies - members of the Association believe that the most suitable way to arrange the issue of providing additional funds in the budget of the Republic of Macedonia is in the comprehensive involvement of all subjects and elimination of the “gray“ economy, including unregulated business over the Internet.

Special attention should be directed to the utilization of all available opportunities for the rationalization of expenditures and their maximum realization in function of development and dynamic economic activity. Permanent monitoring of income and expenditure balances is needed, in order to ensure better quality of public services, investments in the advancement of the social, educational and health system, but also rationalization of state administration processes.

The indications are that such systemic changes, announced at the end of the year, are an additional pressure on the economy and were not adopted in partnership with the economy, without timely coordination so that the entities can adjust their operations, especially when determining the financial plans for the next year .

The members of the Association requested a review of the terms for  entry into force of the proposed laws, in order to carry out broad consultations to assess the effect on effective operations, productivity and the business environment.                                                                                   


17.05 2017



 On May 17th, 2017 the Information and Communication Technologies Association held a meeting in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia with representatives of the cable operators regarding the problems of the high financial burdens that companies -cable operators in the Republic of Macedonia face.


The companies pointed out that the current costs from the income of the cable operators (particularly for payment of copyrights and the movie fund), as well as other financial obligations are unrealistic having in mind the market and are a possible prerequisite and a threat for this burden to be imposed on the final consumer via including additional costs in the bills delivered to the citizens.





On the 7th of Mach the president of the Association for information and communication technologies within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia had a meeting with representatives of "PwC" from Luxembourg. The aim of the meeting was an exchange of opinions regarding the Feasibility study for establishing a Centre of Excellence that would include the countries from Western Balkan.

The study is financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the focus of the study is innovations in two areas: Information and Communication technologies and Renewable resources of energy and energy efficiency. 


The aim of the study is to assess the possibility for establishing a regional Center that would support development of applied researches within a regional eco-system via estimation of the innovation capacity and potential of the institutions, readiness and willingness of institutions to contribute to the development of a regional Centre of excellence, as well as the model for managing and financing the Center of excellence. Source: Visit the link!


Blagoj Hristov, President, MACEDONIAN TELEKOM, Skopje

M.Sc Gerasim Vanchev, Vice president, SEMOS, Skopje

Aleksandar Pop Ristov, INTERWORKS ( IW Connect ), Bitola

Aleksandar Pajkovski, DUNA, Skopje

Antonio Janevski, CODEART NETWORK, Skopje

Vesna Jordanova, ELIKOSOFT, Skopje

Zoran Despotovski, CSS Zoran, Skopje

Mitko Piperkoski, INTEC SYSTEM, Skopje/p>



Usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises, 2018
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, in 2018, 94.4% of the enterprises used computer in their work.
81.5% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had the fixed broadband connection to the Internet.
From the total number of the enterprises 53.9% had website/homepage. From them, 89.6% provided on their website descriptions of goods or services, price lists, 51.7% had links or references to their social media profiles, and 21% provided online ordering, reservation or booking.
Regarding e-commerce, 5.7% of the enterprises received e-sales orders via computer network, and 4.4% of the enterprises received orders for products or services via Web- sales.
Usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises, 2017
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, as of January 2017, 91.2% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had broadband connection to the Internet (via fixed or mobile broadband connection).
Access to the Internet via a portable device using mobile telephone network (3G/4G) was used by 63.0% of the enterprises.
This type of mobile Internet connection (via portable devices: notebook, laptop, smartphone, PDA phone, etc.), for business purposes, was used by 14.5% of the persons employed.
More than half 54.2% of the enterprises used social media (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Present.ly, YouTube, Flickr, Picassa, Wiki-tools, etc.), i.e. had a user profile, an account or a user license for using certain social media.
Around 49% of the enterprises had website/homepage, of which 80% provided on their website descriptions of goods or services, price lists, 59% had links or references to their social media profiles, and 21% provided online ordering or reservation or booking.
During 2016, 10.3% of enterprises with 10 or more employees had e-commerce, i.e. buying or selling goods or services over computer networks (via websites or EDI-type systems), 6.0% of enterprises had e-sales, and 5.8% of enterprises had e-purchases.
Usage of information and communication technologies in enterprises, 2016
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, as of January 2016, 93.8% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had broadband connection to the Internet (via fixed or mobile broadband connection).
Access to the Internet via a portable device using mobile telephone network (3G/4G) was used by 69.3% of the enterprises. This type of mobile Internet connection (via portable devices: notebook, laptop, smartphone, PDA phone, etc.), for business purpose, was used by 14% of the persons employed.
52.5% of the enterprises used social media (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Present.ly, YouTube, Flickr, Picassa, Wiki-tools, etc.), i.e. had a user profile, an account or a user license for using certain social media.
Around 53% of the enterprises had website/homepage, of which 83% provided on their website descriptions of goods or services, price lists, 59% had links or references to their social media profiles, and 20% provided online ordering or reservation or booking.
Cloud computing services used over the Internet were bought by 6.9% of the enterprises.
In 2015, 23.5% of enterprises sent or received electronic invoices in a structure suitable for their automated processing.
During 2015, 11.4% of enterprises with 10 or more employees had e-commerce, i.e. buying or selling goods or services over computer networks (via websites or EDI-type systems), 7.4% of enterprises had e-sales, and 5.6% of enterprises had e-purchases.
Number of active business entities
According to the data of the State Statistical Office the number of active business entities in the Republic of Macedonia in 2013 was 71 290.
The sectors with the highest share in the structure of business entities were: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles with 25 429 entities or 35.7% and Manufacturing with 7 918 entities or 11.1%, whereas the least represented were the sectors Mining and quarrying with 164 entities or 0.2% and Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply with 132 entities or 0.2%. Information and communication sector is with 1 446 entities or 2.0%. The data on the structure of active business entities according to the number of persons employed show that the highest share of 85% belongs to business entities with 1-9 persons employed, followed by business entities with no persons employed or entities with unascertained number of persons employed (no data on persons employed) with 6.2%, and entities with 10-19 persons employed with 4.2%. The share of entities with 20-49 persons employed was 2.5%, those with 50-249 persons employed participated with 1.8%, while entities with 250 or more persons employed had a share of only 0.3%.
Usage of information and communication technologies in the enterprises
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, in January 2013, 91.5% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had broadband connection to the Internet (via fixed or mobile broadband connection). Access to the Internet via a mobile connection (broadband or other mobile connection) was used by 43.8% of the enterprises.
57.4% of the enterprises provided to their persons employed remote access to the enterprise's e-mail system, documents or applications, and 41.0% provided to their persons employed portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use.
In January 2013, 32.4% of the persons employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees used a computer at least once a week at their work routine, and 26.1% of the persons employed used at least once a week a computer with access to the Internet.
Portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use (e.g. notebook, laptop, smartphone, PDA phone) were used by 6.6% of the persons employed.
Social Media, such as social networks, blogs/microblogs, multimedia content sharing websites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) or Wiki- based knowledge -sharing tools, were used by 36.2% of the enterprises.
Q report
ClickAttack’s Q1 2013 report contains mobile statistics & trends not only in the Croatian market, but now for the first time also in the markets of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.
The purpose of ClickAttack Q report is to educate all mobile advertising market stakeholders like publishers, advertisers and agencies about mobile trends in countries where ClickAttack is present. http://www.clickattack.com/q-report/
Usage of information and communication technologies in the enterprises 02.10.2012
According to the data of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, in January 2012, 87.3% of the enterprises with 10 or more employees had broadband connection to the Internet (via fixed or mobile broadband connection). Access to the Internet via a mobile connection (broadband or other mobile connection) was used by 32.6% of the enterprises.
Approximately one quarter (25.5%) of the enterprises provided to their persons employed portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use, and 36% provided to their persons employed remote access to the enterprise's e-mail system, documents or applications.
In January 2012, 33.3% of the persons employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees used a computer at least once a week at their work routine, 27.6% of the persons employed used at least once a week a computer with access to the Internet.
Portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use (e.g. notebook, laptop, smartphone, PDA phone) were used by 5.3% of the persons employed.
In January 2012, 17.3% of the enterprises (10+) had employed personnel for jobs requiring ICT specialist skills. The highest percentage of employment of ICT /IT specialists is noted among the large enterprises with 250 or more persons employed (62%).
During January 2012, 32.7% of enterprises (10+) were sending or receiving electronically data in a format that allowed their automatic processing (e.g. EDI, EDIFACT, XML), and 47% shared electronically and automatically information within the enterprise.
In 2011, 84% of enterprises with access to the Internet have used the Internet for interaction with public authorities, whether for obtaining information, obtaining forms, for returning filled in forms electronically through public authorities' websites, or administrative procedures treated completely electronically. In 2011, around 28% of enterprises with Internet access offered goods or services in public authorities' electronic procurement systems.
During 2011, 8.9% of enterprises with 10 or more employees had e-commerce, i.e. buying or selling goods or services over computer networks (via websites or EDI-type systems), 5.3% of enterprises had web-sales, and 4.8% of enterprises had webpurchases
The key challenge in the Strategy building process is defining the economic, social and political vision of the knowledge based society, through ICT development and application in all spheres of life, thereby creating modern and efficient services for the citizens and the business community.
Enabling aggressive introduction and massively and efficient use of electronic communications and information technologies that will contribute to makethe Republic of Macedonia a part of the global networked economy and to achieve a significant leap frogging in the economy.




On 14.11.2018, the Association of Information and Communication Technologies at the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia held a session and discussed the proposed laws from the economic and financial area, which are of interest to the members from the IT sector.

The companies - members of the Association believe that the most suitable way to arrange the issue of providing additional funds in the budget of the Republic of Macedonia is in the comprehensive involvement of all subjects and elimination of the “gray“ economy, including unregulated business over the Internet.

Special attention should be directed to the utilization of all available opportunities for the rationalization of expenditures and their maximum realization in function of development and dynamic economic activity. Permanent monitoring of income and expenditure balances is needed, in order to ensure better quality of public services, investments in the advancement of the social, educational and health system, but also rationalization of state administration processes.

The indications are that such systemic changes, announced at the end of the year, are an additional pressure on the economy and were not adopted in partnership with the economy, without timely coordination so that the entities can adjust their operations, especially when determining the financial plans for the next year .

The members of the Association requested a review of the terms for  entry into force of the proposed laws, in order to carry out broad consultations to assess the effect on effective operations, productivity and the business environment.                                                                                   


17.05 2017



 On May 17th, 2017 the Information and Communication Technologies Association held a meeting in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia with representatives of the cable operators regarding the problems of the high financial burdens that companies -cable operators in the Republic of Macedonia face.


The companies pointed out that the current costs from the income of the cable operators (particularly for payment of copyrights and the movie fund), as well as other financial obligations are unrealistic having in mind the market and are a possible prerequisite and a threat for this burden to be imposed on the final consumer via including additional costs in the bills delivered to the citizens.





On the 7th of Mach the president of the Association for information and communication technologies within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia had a meeting with representatives of "PwC" from Luxembourg. The aim of the meeting was an exchange of opinions regarding the Feasibility study for establishing a Centre of Excellence that would include the countries from Western Balkan.

The study is financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the focus of the study is innovations in two areas: Information and Communication technologies and Renewable resources of energy and energy efficiency. 


The aim of the study is to assess the possibility for establishing a regional Center that would support development of applied researches within a regional eco-system via estimation of the innovation capacity and potential of the institutions, readiness and willingness of institutions to contribute to the development of a regional Centre of excellence, as well as the model for managing and financing the Center of excellence. Source: Visit the link! 

The key challenge in the Strategy building process is defining the economic, social and political vision of the knowledge based society, through ICT development and application in all spheres of life, thereby creating modern and efficient services for the citizens and the business community.


Enabling aggressive introduction and massively and efficient use of electronic communications and information technologies that will contribute to makethe Republic of Macedonia a part of the global networked economy and to achieve a significant leap frogging in the economy. 


(Собраниска процедура)

(Собраниска процедура)

(Собраниска процедура)

(Службен Весник)

Contact person: Daniela Mihajlovska Vasilevska
Project manager in the Professional Service

Phone: +389 (02) 3244021
Cell: 072 220 037
E-mail: daniela@mchamber.mk