In the direction of improving digitization among Macedonian companies from the construction sector and the building materials industry, within the framework of Protot: "Digital transformation is implemented towards businesses - development of key protection indicators for increasing the productivity of the sector - DIG-IN-KPI" , the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia in cooperation with chambers from Slovenia and Croatia focuses on the development of key performance characteristics in order to increase productivity in the construction sector. One of the key steps in this direction begins with the digital transformation of work processes in construction companies. Aware of the complex needs and challenges of construction companies, the Chamber in 2023, through project activities, focused on the year to deliver concrete solutions to accelerate digital transformation as a driver for operational excellence.
An important prerequisite for the success of this initiative is a full understanding of what can be digitized in construction companies and who should be needed for it. We identified the key processes and then set about developing and completing the content creation of the innovative DIG-IN-KPI-AAT digital tool, which is currently in the prototyping and deployment phase. This service will be publicly available for use and is expected to be fully operational by the end of next month.The DIG-IN-KPI-AAT digital tool automates the processes for evaluating the level of digital maturity of companies from the construction sector.
The advanced data collection model will automatically process the responses, which users/company representatives will easily enter via an online questionnaire, into a report assessing the level of digital maturity of the company. The report will contain a visualization and a thorough explanation of the results, as well as personalized recommendations, with the help of which companies will receive key information in the direction of identifying the objective state of digitalization and identifying areas for improvement and optimization of business or production processes.
The presentation on the new one innovative a tool for self-assessment on the level on digital maturity on construction companies DIG-IN-KPI-AAT is expected to maintain on the fair for construction " MEGRA" in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia on April 18, 2024. During the Construction fair, the digital tool DIG-IN-KPI AAT tool will be demonstrated for the needs on usage of this tool by construction companies from Slovenia, the Balkans and the EU. They are also expected to attend international experts , including representatives from the advanced Ireland , where BIM will be mandatory after 1.1.2024 . They will share practical implementation experiences on digitalization in construction companies, focusing everything on the best practices and strategic decisions. Interested construction companies will receive direct information for that how the experts in practice they approached con the introduction on the digital one transformation , including it the choice, the purchase and the optimal use on digital tools for support on the processes in construction companies.

This one an event provides an exceptional opportunity for companies from the construction sector yes learn from the international experience and yes them stimulates innovations through digital transformation.
The project " Digital transformation is making its way to businesses – development of key performance indicators to increase sector productivity – DIG-IN-KPI” is financed by the European Union through The Slovenian national agency CMEPIUS and will serve as a model project for determination indicators for digitization in the framework on The European federation for construction industry (FIEC), and in the realization on the activities participate: Economic Chamber on North Macedonia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and Croatian Chamber of Economy.