„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk
The Center for MSMEs at the Economic Chamber of Commerce is developing a web platform with a mobile application compatible with iOS devices (App Store) and Android devices (Play Store). The aim is to enable interested business entities, unable to participate in person, to engage in the Chamber's activities through digital solutions, explained Gabriela Kulebanova, President of the MSME Center, during a meeting organized at the Chamber with member companies. Kulebanova added that more details about the platform would be shared once it becomes fully operational.
During the meeting, attendees were informed that the President of the MSME Center is participating in a working group tasked with developing a new strategy for these business entities. The strategy is in its final stages, with the Center's role being pivotal in creating parts of the action plan to be implemented at the start of 2025.
Additionally, the meeting agenda included a presentation by the Central Registry on the service packages they offer to businesses. Representatives from the Central Registry of the RNM, led by Director Dr. Anita Stamnova, presented tools and opportunities available as part of these service packages, including:
- Accessing information about legal entities, regular and professional users, new products, tracking changes, and the option for notifications when changes occur in legal entities, presented by Irena Lazarova, Head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department at the Central Registry.
- The new national classification of activities for legal entities, web services presented by Stanko Korunoski, Head of the Register Management Sector at the Central Registry.
Representatives of the Central Registry explained the capabilities of the distribution system, a key tool for processing, distributing, and managing data related to registered entities in the RNM. This system provides information on:
· Registration of new entities, updating existing information, and maintaining registers.
· Issuing excerpts, certificates, and other documents to clients and relevant institutions.
· Providing accurate and up-to-date information on legal and natural persons.
· Efficient data exchange with banks, courts, tax authorities, and other relevant bodies.
Regarding the new National Classification of Activities (NKD Rev. 2.1), which will be implemented from 1 January 2025, attendees were informed that it aligns with the European classification NACE Rev. 2.1 and is tailored to national needs. This classification is used for collecting, processing, and publishing statistical data, as well as for analyzing and directing social and economic development and its structural changes.
The updated NACE Rev. 2 classification consists of four hierarchical levels: sector, division, group, and class. It includes 21 sectors, 88 divisions, 272 groups, and 615 classes. While its general characteristics remain unchanged, revisions have been made to its structure, construction criteria, and explanatory notes.
The latest revision of the National Classification of Activities (NKD) aims to reflect structural changes in the economy and improve data comparability at the national and international levels. For specific guidance on implementing these functions, software solutions are available to facilitate the process.