„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk


Skills for Implementing Company Policies and Procedures


 The growth and development of a company are also reflected in its investment in enhancing the knowledge and skills of its personnel. In this context, the Council for Promotion of Training and Education Quality at the Economic Chamber, in collaboration with the Business Center for Training and Education, organized a three-day training program titled “Skills for Developing Middle Management.” This program, aimed at middle management professionals, focused on equipping participants with skills to effectively execute their daily activities, particularly in interpreting and conveying strategies adopted by top management to their respective teams.

The program consisted of nine modules through which participants gained essential knowledge and skills in the following areas:

-       Implementing company policies and procedures.

-       Monitoring and improving employee performance by appropriately assigning tasks and overseeing their execution.

-       Introducing new initiatives to enhance productivity within their department or specific operations under their responsibility.

-       Motivating and inspiring employees to increase productivity, reduce staff turnover, and improve the recruitment process for new employees.

-       Effectively planning, allocating, and utilizing resources within their department or processes for which they are accountable.

-       Properly administering implemented activities.

At the end of the training, participants completed an assessment to evaluate their knowledge and received a certificate of completion.

The trainer, Dejan Stojanovikj, has extensive experience in delivering training at both national and regional levels.