„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk

Business Club Europe – A Successful Tool for Promoting Young Business Leaders and Accessing the EU


 The Economic Chamber of North Macedonia has established the Business Club “Europe” - a platform for promoting young Macedonian business leaders and for active involvement in processes related to the European Union.

This initiative emerged from the successful Business Club podcast, which highlights the new generation of Macedonian businesspeople who, with their creativity and innovation, are building the future of the Macedonian economy.

At a press conference at the Economic Chamber, Natasha Janevska, project manager at the Chamber, emphasized that the Club was formed by a decision of the Chamber’s Management Board as a tool for accessing the EU. Activities will be focused on improving the competitiveness and productivity of the Macedonian economy, which in the medium term would naturally contribute to the growth of gross domestic product, the growth of purchasing power, and bringing our country closer to the EU.

"Business Club Europe will be a successful tool for feedback from the business community to the European Commission, and is already planned as one of our project activities under the project that the Chamber is working on - the Enterprise Europe Network. The main focus and goal in the operation of the Business Club Europe will be the EU, integration into EU processes, diplomacy related to EU issues and the process of building policy toward the EU, promotion of the EU accession process through roundtable discussions and other forums for debating EU issues and in organizing various information and communication events," Janevska said at the press conference.

The focus of the Business Club will also be on achieving the defined priorities in the Chamber's Three-I Strategy (investments, exports, infrastructure).

The Economic Chamber, in cooperation with the production company “Treto Uvo” (Third Ear), created the podcast “Business Club with Branko Azevski”, which has already established itself as a unique medium for promoting successful Macedonian businesspeople.

Ivo Jankoski from “Treto Uvo” explained the idea behind the podcast to journalists, as well as the experience so far.

“The existence of a podcast dedicated to successful businesspeople in Macedonia is crucial because it serves as an inspiration for young entrepreneurs, offering real-life success stories and practical advice, while promoting a positive image of the Macedonian business ecosystem and encouraging a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. The success of the Business Club podcast exceeded even our expectations, according to the results of the analyses we conducted. It generated a huge viewership and increased the visibility of the activities of the Chamber and its members several times. From the beginning to the present, our publications related to the Business Club podcast reached a reach on all social networks of around 300,000, and most importantly, more than 70% of our audience is aged 25-44, i.e. the most employable group of young people, which was our goal from the very beginning,” said Jankoski.

In the coming period, it is planned to enrich the content of the podcast with guests from the region and Europe.